cute pastel halloween party!


Now that I have kids - I have decided that i LIKE halloween because I can do “cute” halloween! In the past I never got into the whole spooky-gory-freaky halloween so I pretty much just skipped it all together. But enter PASTEL, CUTE halloween!!!! A Little Confetti Shop has allllllllll of the cutest decorations and tableware that I needed and was so excited to put together this sweet little party for my kids and a few of their little friends. I love that all of the designs have smiling characters on them instead of scary faces or motifs.

Once I saw these cutie pastel ombre ghost plates I knew they were the perfect colour scheme for the party! I used the peach, mint and pink colours to paint a similar ombre design on a pumpkin to make a sweet centrepiece for our table! I also loved that these mini witch party hats, pumpkin napkins, cupcake toppers, and halloween plates coordinated so well with them as well.

As always, I put together some little treat baskets for the guests to take home. I put one of these little sparkle bat napkins in the back to add a festive touch, and used these little white berry baskets. In each basket was a pair of socks, hair ties, a glow stick, pencil, granola bar, bubbles, slinky, glow in the dark eyeball ring, and model magic.

For the balloons - I LOVED these cute ghost balloons so I included some in the balloon garland, and also left some out so the kids could play with them! They loved tossing them in the air and watching them float around like real ghosts! For the garland, I had to get creative and use what I had on hand - so I made mint coloured balloons using a regular green balloon inside of a white one, peach balloons (orange inside of white), peachy-green ones (peach balloons inside of clear mint ones), grey (black inside of pearl white). It takes a little longer but its fun making your own custom coloured balloons!

I LOVED these cute little mini cotton candy bags from The Sugar Cube! The colours were perfect and the kids LOVED them! I used the ice cream stand that my dad made for Lauren’s 4th birthday and it worked perfect!